Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Try new things.

I often hear parents tell there children to, "Try new things."New vegetables, activities and/or behavior are encouraged in hopes to open their pallet and interest. An active parent goes further and actually conquers getting the child to at least attempt it. Somewhere along the line, this ability to be and maintain being incorrigible is adopted within ourselves. Likewise, I recently learned children laugh some 385 more times a day than an adult (out of 400 times a day on average). Adults learn that to not to fully enjoy their life is acceptable. What an awfully hard lesson to unlearn! This skeptic way of viewing the world no doubt has its advantages. Remaining in a state of causation perhaps prevents being taken advantage. However, I always liked the saying, "A liar's curse isn't that no one believes them. Rather, it is that they don't believe in anything." From experience, I have found individuals with this rigid state of mind are sad and in constant frustration. The slightest deviation from the norm is met with high anxiety.
I search for a way to fill in the gaps by elevating minds to recreate; years of mis-education. Conservatives and religious fanatics alike, have the ability to reconsider their position. As in the case of Rob Portman who recently retracted his stand on same sex marriage, now that one of his son's admitted being gay. Portman states, "At the time, my position ... was rooted in my faith tradition," he wrote in Friday's Columbus Dispatch. "Knowing that my son is gay prompted me to consider the issue from another perspective: that of a dad who wants all three of his kids to lead happy, meaningful lives with the people they love ... and my belief that we are all children of God." Aside from the love and admiration for his son motivating the senator to reflect and change. As an individual, I have a hunch, Portman takes the time to laugh and enjoy his life. Change comes from the ability to look forward and stop looking back.

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