Wednesday, April 03, 2013

Cure InSanity

Do you remember when you lost your mind? The crucial point in your life, when everything you thought made sense, or maybe it did, no longer was suffice for you heart to believe. When the things that looked like fun when we where little, turned dangerous. It starts small, riding your bike with no handlebars. Then grows in the distance between the leaves that fall. My moment comes in with the most clearest recollection. At a friend's family party, music and alcohol filled my veins, within an instance, I went from observing the normal family dynamic to straight absorbing it into my blood stream. An uncontrollable sensation, I had never encountered took over my body. Calmly lead myself outside to a somewhat empty parking lot to release the waterfall of emotions the cascaded without sense. My friend's attempt to console me, drew me deeper into this moment, perception could not exist. It scared me and at the same time comforted the core of my mind; that had seemed to be holding this in from past lifetimes. As the black dissipated and veins agian filled with deep red blood, a restless peace covered my thoughts back to present. I haven't spoken of that moment ever, not sure why it made sense to share it now. I learned how far I could let go, how deep it resonated inside of my very soul to preserve the view from the corner of my eyes. Awake, I found myself embraced in my friend's arms. I hear there is no rest for the wicked, but for this short amount of time, there was and i grow nostalgic at how free it felt to learn my way back through a labyrinth state. My strength is immeasurable when, I keep in clear focus how crucial it is for my soul to truly connect, from bonds a love patiently, open-mindedly and givingly blows weightlessly.

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