Sunday, October 24, 2010

My Hero

Stands an all of 4 ft n change, valient, confident, mannered. Tenderly strong with utterly histerical observations. The Toronto then Chicago trip this August is a permentant memory of pure love. Great mind!

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

We are capable, eloquently able to possess the most a chance has to offer. Wrapped up in cables by the ideas we make believe, while a whole world screams to love. I wonder.. hard.. and linger.. more on every word that heals a sore.
Hopelessly enchanted by the water rapids flow and charm. Witty till the day I forget to say. Wishing wells of hells to raise. Watch closely to where a dog's shiver sways. I'll bring you with me only if your shutters allow. Bring the scope lens that reaches the heavens. Sweet justice, lucky penny with a pocket full of posies. Get to know me, blow a fist in the air wave it high and dare to see the hand that feeds lies within.

Monday, October 18, 2010

Photographer ~ Diana Diaz

Yesterday I was involved, for the second time, in one of Diana Diaz's meticulously planned project. As a child, she never shied away from the camera. It makes perfect sense for her to pursue a career in photography. She has a great vision and ability to catch a candid and very sincere moment. The current project is titled "High on Life". Thinking out side the box, she came up with a clever way to depict the exact sentiment. Below are a couple of the shots..

This shot was hard work, but she got it!

Denise is a natural..

So Much Fun..

The Breeze was amazing and the Sky magnificent!

Friday, October 15, 2010

Jury Duty

Today is my very first Jury Duty. An American Citizen for filling my civic duty. However, what's really running through my mind is "Why is the air quality and lighting in municipal buildings is so poor?" Gives me the same sensation of being in a hospital, which doesn't make sense either. Everyone is working hard @ keeping busy till some sort of instruction is given. Several are on their third dream. So after some waiting, the groups by day are called out. I am on the Wensday Panel. I came into this totally ready to get talk my way out of it. Now that I am here and after seeing how many people are not participating. I begin to see that this is more than just coming to the court house but instead yet another opportunity to grow. It seems that lately, I've been living life like Jim Carey in Yes Man. In my group, 23 out of 65 names are called at random regardless of availability. I am #11. November 3rd thru December 29th every Wensday I am to report to the Court house. Free coffee and parking voucher, $5 a day. Quietly, I am looking forward to it can't fully explain why. That secret I believe will reveal itself through the process.
Action is Eloquence

Thursday, October 14, 2010

Homemade Holloween Decoration

This mischief night make something that will do it justice!
Super Easy and so worth it.

Step 1:
Get a the biggest piece of Carboard and with a pencil draw the bat.

Step 2:
Take a box cutter and follow the lines.

Step 3:
Use a sponge brush to paint the entire bat with orange paint (or color of your choice).

Step 4:
Take a thinner sponge brush and paint the boarder white. (or different color from the body). Allow to dry.

Step 5:
Using a sturdy tape, along the boarder, attach lights all around. If you can, put two lights coming through the eyes.

Step 6:
Poke a hole on both ends of the wings. Run a ribbon through the holes to create hooks to hang it from.

Step 7:
Hang and plug in. Happy Holloween!

Friday, October 08, 2010

October fest

My brother Ralph must have been German in a past life. Only Cuban I know that whips up the best October fest in good O'l Guttenberg. A celebration that keeps it simple: Drink Beer and Eat.

Thursday, October 07, 2010

Last Week

Started "la semana" off with a photo shoot for Latina Magazine. A lovely friend of mine Verky Arcos writes several articles for the magazine and newly ventured into the genre of designer. The Article is called REAL WOMAN, and suggest nifty ways to doll yourself up according to your specific body type. Woman come in all different shapes and sizes. Therefore, I appreciate the attention to detail. I scored the fun role of Athletic body type/ Rocker Chick. Before I go any further, I have to share that all though this may be hard to believe... I much rather prefer to do the behind the scenes stuff. Furthermore, I agreed to this for two reasons; first to help a friend out. Helping in anyway I can is always at the top of my priority list. Secondly, to break free from this silly notion that i could not convey allure through a photo. With all the dimensions of my mind. I melt into a giggly girl when photos are taken and wanted for once conquer yet another feat.
Mission accomplish! Playing dress up was tons of fun, the shoot was energizing and the photos came out amazing. I will follow up, the issue is due to come out for December..

Ended the week on the other spectrum of life; working a probono job serving Macallan for a charity at Rapheal De niro's townhouse in West Village. Charity:water holds a great little story of just how powerful we could be when empowered to do so. Scott Harrison is the founder; did a complete 360 from being a high end promoter in the city after taken a trip with Mercy Ships and their cause. He made the decision to dedicate his live to educating people from all walks of life to one of the most necessary and simplest resources on planet earth: WATER.

Things I took from the event:

- How unbelievably powerful we are alone as well as in numbers.
- 1 billion people in the world do not have access to safe water.
- The ways of raising money are endless.
- How silly people look dripping in designer shoes , cradling over priced hand bags, to attend a cause for people who could have fed entire cities for the same price tag.
- Reiterated in me how much there is to accomplish while here in this very moment and how extremely privileged we are.

* At the very first Spoken Word event; I had actually showed this video pertaining to this organization.

Life goes full circle.
So excited.. Moved into the 21st Century.. My dear friend Roger linked my smart phone directly to my blog. Now, I can share from everywhere..

Friday, October 01, 2010

Top 5 Pet Peeves

1. The sight of people power hosing the streets!!
(Nearly one billion people lack access to safe water )

2. The double, sometimes triple bagging at grocery stores. Carry canvas bags people, small step for for us, huge step for the future.
(About 1 million plastic bags are used every minute.
A single plastic bag can take up to 1,000 years to degrade.)

3. CIgarettes period.

4. Hitting Children
(Gentle instruction, supported by a strong foundation of love and respect, is the only truly effective way to bring about commendable behavior based on strong inner values, instead of superficially "good" behavior based only on fear.)

5. Laziness..