Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Running for our Lives..

Yesterday, reminds us all to hold our loved ones a little tighter and be more patient. The Boston Marathon bombing claimed 3 lives and nearly 150 severally injured. The person responsible is still at large. April 15th also marked the anniversary of the assasination of A. Loncoln. His killer was an American confederate leader, Booth. In 1988, the Lockerbrie bombing killed 243 passengers (35 of which where Syracuse University students), 16 crew members and 11 on the ground. Two Lybian Nationalist were found responsible. McVeigh (US Army Special Forces) was an American terrorist who detonated a truck bomb in front of the Alfred P. Murrah Federal Building in Oklahoma City on April 19, 1995. Claiming 168 lives, including 19 children under the age of 6, and injured more than 680 people. In 2001, the 911 bombing claimed the lives of a total 3,000 people at the World Trade Center. Beltway sniper attacks in 2002 in Washington, DC., Maryland and Virginia killed over 25 people throughout the 2 month ordeal, where Muhammad (U.S. Army) and a minor Malvo were responsible. Cho, 23 year old college student claimed the lives of 32 people, including himself on the day of the Virginia Tech massacre in 2007. More recently, 2011 Norway experienced the most devesting crime they had ever seen, when Breivik (fellow Norwegian) opened fire in a camp killing 87, also setting a bomb to go off right before the shooting, infront of the Prime Minister Building killing 7 more people. In 2012 Lanza, an American 20 year old open fire at Sandy Hook Elementary School killing 27 mostly 1st grade children and committed suicide. What do all this killings have in common? HATE

The thing that stood out to me the most is the exact location where the bombs went off; by the long stretch of international flags. Hate crimes have no color. Death has become all too common and many times condoned. Yet controversial, crimes none the less, George W. Bush conducted two pre-emptive wars, resulting in excess of over 100,000 US., Iraqi and Afghani deaths. The countless senseless bombings that occur in the Middle East and genocides in Africa. The hours of violence exposure we allow our youth to be entertained by in movies and video games. The manner acceptable to treat and kill the live stock, we in turn feed to our children and self is un-worldly. We lose sense of our connection to each other and the earth the further we allow ourselves to see ourselves as anything but part of it. Death by murder is a crime to humanity. Life is magnificent. The world we live on provides everything and more than we may need to survive and thrive as a species. I urge all of us to not fall into fear thinking. Moreover, hate thinking towards muslims or any other person. Horrific crimes happen every minute, some fatal and many more lingering. It is our responsibility as a people to come together, not only in times of tragedy and be kind to one another (most especially to children and seniors). Stand up for what we love and stop promoting everything we hate. My deepest sentiments go out to all who are hurting.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Beautifully put!