Friday, September 20, 2013

Shoe laces I almost let my wet shoes ruin my journey.. Running in the rain is exhilarating! Reminds me of Tracy chapman days when music wore more than lines to bed. I have had moments put together and of deep blue. A past honest and haunts the master of disguise. The painful smile of a wicked grin, ask the questions, like Oye? Is silence more or an empty abyss of wishful sins. I write and write to remember my name. Hope resides in the tenderness of the ocean, its ability to open its arms to a sinner like me. As a kid, i observed the world silently, the separation humans felt to nature left me confussed and in agony to unite the two. The best of harmony exsisted nestled in its leafy arms, consoled the darkness inside. Bitterness towards a mother that turned away has undoubtablly made me awkward and hell bent on remaining awake. What is it human kind have retreated to represent? Consideration runs through its own exsistence. My fight is for happy and healthy. I recall the first time i saw for my own eyes the loss of breath. Mine began to beat against my chest. Made a promise to live without regret because how unforgiven time should be spent. I wish for your words to find their way to trees everytime, because where you fall short to understand their worth, i over fill the glass. My heart has no other name that galently i put my pride aside. So much death and destruction keeps me up at night. Those sleepless nights are bearable. The love bottled up on reserve for my favorite soul are utterly un bearable. If what we let into our life has more power than what we reject. The level of patience is border line dare devil. I want to kiss him weightlessly. Embrace him whole heartedly. Lift all his dreams in hopes to bestow half the ways this best friend has touched my soul, in more holes than a honey comb. For with or without him, madly in love remains unfaltered and steady. This dream conjured somewhere along when we tied shoe laces with style, made way for confirmation kindness reins proud. The affliction to understand the moral behind Cain and Able truths, leads to the allusion we control what we lose. I choose rather to live somewhat bold, in hopes to hold a river of proof. For if we reep what we sow, my my will state loud, A Love pure and true Anny Ariz

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