Thursday, October 10, 2013

The Mother we Share Too speak enough, or not too much. Shall I bargain or fold. Slippery vision begs the memory to compose. Take life out loud. An intense passion out of focus.. burns. Set sail for a mansion of unearthing. Saw a trance and walked in. A pirate buries its treasure. Do we choose to forget or remember? Infatuation of the colorful kind, meant to unwind a corset strung too tight, inside calmness fights. Some days are better than others. It comes rushing back. Achy and familiar is the humor in dysfunction. Able to haunt, never punished, no justice. Accomplice slash victim lives on. Pity exists. Forgiven her, Forgiven me, still longing to heaven it. Hope flickers as a candle bout to go off. The window remains, a celestial nana bestowed. Whole again, able to bend it grows bright again. Devils and angels we create in our minds stretch from lover to sunrise. Painting a picture of perfection, wrings out the taste of actuality. Love has confused the dwelling of pearls. Tunnels hold oval endings, to relieve the squinting. How long is meaningless suffice? The more we become disconnected, the more desperate the thirst takes flight. The taste of alcohol on our lips, brief intimacy that fills the urgent longing for touch gives way to temporary sensation of bliss.. We hold back so much on the matters that matter most. Don’t shut the fuck up about the grief and sacrifice that doesn’t exist. Embrace the Recourse. A hapless flight is an unfortunate inception. Is there anything left to write? Is there anything left to fight for? The more I search for answers the harder it becomes to remember the question. The only clarity I find is near Mother Nature’s sublime. Anny Ariz

Friday, September 20, 2013

Own who you are. Speak of only wiser people.

Shoe laces I almost let my wet shoes ruin my journey.. Running in the rain is exhilarating! Reminds me of Tracy chapman days when music wore more than lines to bed. I have had moments put together and of deep blue. A past honest and haunts the master of disguise. The painful smile of a wicked grin, ask the questions, like Oye? Is silence more or an empty abyss of wishful sins. I write and write to remember my name. Hope resides in the tenderness of the ocean, its ability to open its arms to a sinner like me. As a kid, i observed the world silently, the separation humans felt to nature left me confussed and in agony to unite the two. The best of harmony exsisted nestled in its leafy arms, consoled the darkness inside. Bitterness towards a mother that turned away has undoubtablly made me awkward and hell bent on remaining awake. What is it human kind have retreated to represent? Consideration runs through its own exsistence. My fight is for happy and healthy. I recall the first time i saw for my own eyes the loss of breath. Mine began to beat against my chest. Made a promise to live without regret because how unforgiven time should be spent. I wish for your words to find their way to trees everytime, because where you fall short to understand their worth, i over fill the glass. My heart has no other name that galently i put my pride aside. So much death and destruction keeps me up at night. Those sleepless nights are bearable. The love bottled up on reserve for my favorite soul are utterly un bearable. If what we let into our life has more power than what we reject. The level of patience is border line dare devil. I want to kiss him weightlessly. Embrace him whole heartedly. Lift all his dreams in hopes to bestow half the ways this best friend has touched my soul, in more holes than a honey comb. For with or without him, madly in love remains unfaltered and steady. This dream conjured somewhere along when we tied shoe laces with style, made way for confirmation kindness reins proud. The affliction to understand the moral behind Cain and Able truths, leads to the allusion we control what we lose. I choose rather to live somewhat bold, in hopes to hold a river of proof. For if we reep what we sow, my my will state loud, A Love pure and true Anny Ariz

True Freedom

All along while i drank on your wine, read every single one of your poems line by line, multiple times. All the time i resisted to see what was obviously.., to every single body around me.  I struggled and wrote, got wasted and drugged with other flesh to believe it, to leave it. Restless and torn, saying bye to a silver lining drawn. Mangled my frame, I love you too profoundly to place blame.  Odds fall on..  for you i would kill.  If life should ever call for it. But until then, reserved and contained i will remain. Never meant to leave space and time with your heart and mind by mine. Prior to these past weeks, i embraced you so tightly it squeaked.  Your lack of sleep, could rightfully be a result of my bedroom dreams. I graciously bow to your applause. Know that the acting was all along, the today that u see is me no longer living imaginary. No filter, simply felt it, had to let go and let be, no deeply seeded reasonable doubt or complicated solution.. I wasn't seen in the light of Eve. No wrapping nor bow, sprinkles or cream. Its a non-sexual love, its platonic in nature, it stood the test of time which is worth more down the line. 

This time around, turning dreams into fun. Living every day as it comes. Holding hugs longer per pound, tender surrenders, kisses in a fight. Chasing an overflow of a tolerant approach. Won't lie anymore. Give, grow, give, grow, over and over. Till every last drop of passion takes flight. Tell stories of a life that lived, leave the world a little better. I reap my own karma inside and out. Time to cross the line for justice and bout. An enchanting celestial creature, slick and smooth like the side of a nickel. Words endowed to me from people less fickle. Pairs of connections, a mind can misconstrued for lack of a different spout. Life has eaten my insides and outs. A twisted father, martyr mother, blessed with family in every color. Seeking a spiritual mission, guidance and patience. Putting all this pain to good use. Hope is dope, bc it ask for nothing in return. Come together on a scheme to save some green for the kids and trees. Concentrating on everything through me. A queen sacrifices her heart, in order to rule diplomatically.  The drum plays on, with no desire comes true freedom.


Wednesday, July 10, 2013

A Series of Triangles

Life, a series of triangles.
Points meet to speak quietly of later times.
"The truth was lost somewhere in the past."
Wise words from someone so meager.

Does the heart speak to our wants or needs?
Clarity only last moments in comparison to the rest.
Or is that wishful thinking, forgetting to draw.
Placed inside a crystal ball.

What levels the playing field for certain..
Reaching vulnerability together.
Guard down, for all to be seen.
Concrete peak of enlightenment.

Intimate negotiation between the sheets.
Lines balance out the rain.
Learn to lean on the etiquette of exposure.
A belief is a tool to be used with causation.

Anny Ariz

Tuesday, May 14, 2013

First and foremost, the person should be stripped of his title immediately- No longer referred to as a Doctor. Kermit Gosnell guilty of three murders in late-term abortions is a most horrific story about the power a person of any title has over the people he/she oversees. On the side of humanity, this is a crime that has no color or political agenda. It is a psychologically disturbed person who was in business for far too long. Which leads to the next part of this discussion-people. It is easy to place all the blame at one person. However, in 15 years running this abortion clinic.. no client, staff or family member came forth. More over the officials themselves had failed to perform the routine inspections that all clinics must undergo. People stop blaming and start taking responsibility for all the good you as an individual can do everyday. Stand up for what is right and blow the horn as load as possible for the things that need a voice.

Thursday, April 18, 2013

COCOROSIE Tearz for Animals
Black as the Night By Nahko Bear I believe in the good things comin’, comin’, comin’ comin’ I believe in the good things comin’, comin’, comin’ comin’ Out of darkness light are pumpin’, pumpin’, pumpin’pumpin’ into white light all things runnin’, runnin’, runnin’ runnin’ Who have I been, who am I becomin’? Come in, come in, come in Deep breathes for a young man learnin’, learnin’, learnin’, learnin’ Take a walk with the cedars hummin’, cityscape, pink sunset stunnin’, every fire kindle burnin’, every empty space is fittin’. I believe in the good things comin’, comin’, comin’ comin’ I believe in the good things comin’, comin’, comin’ comin’ I am no master, I know nothin’ I am no master, I know nothin’ I am no master, I know nothin’ but I am a servant and I know somethin’ yeah I am no master, I know nothin’ definitely still young Built on hunger so fuckin’ stubborn a lot of self-work undone I am a witness The life of one who carries all of his secrets in his music, music, music, music More pages more words to my story, more grace, more meaning unfoldin’. Take a drive rain park cascadia Feel the warmth in my cold hear radiant Two shakes and I’m feelin’ weightless Heart aches but its actually painless. Take a vow in the Pale moonlight, moonlight, moonlight, Take a look at myself through my third eye. Everything’s already alright, always alright, always alright I’m black as night I’m black as the night Black as the night I’m black as the night Black as the night with a little bit of moonlight Black as the night with a little bit of moonlight I’m black as the night with a little bit of moonlight shining from my center within. Sharp and smooth to the touch with my dark little cinnamon mane It’s part of my make up, uh-huh, uh-huh Nevermind the nightmares, always gonna wake up, wake up, wake up You got the keys You got the keys You got the keys You got the keys You got the keys but I’ll never keep my door locked, You got the keys but I’ll never keep my door locked, nah You got the keys but I’ll never keep my door locked you can always come right in And if my arms are full you can bet your sweet ass I will drop that shit right then. I might be busy but I always got some time to surrender to your beauty, beauty, beauty, beauty. I believe in the good things comin’, comin’, comin’ I believe in the good things comin’, comin’, comin’ Out of darkness light are pumpin’, pumpin’, pumpin’ into white light all things runnin’, runnin’, runnin’Who have I been, who am I becomin’? Come in, come in, come in Deep breathes for a young man learnin’, learnin’, learnin’, learnin’ Take a vow in the Pale moonlight, moonligh, moonlight, Take a look at myself through my third eye. Everything’s already alright, always alright, always alright So, I am no master, I know nothin’ I am no master, I know nothin’ I am no master, I know nothin’ but I am a servant and I know somethin’ yeah I am no master, I know nothin’

Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Running for our Lives..

Yesterday, reminds us all to hold our loved ones a little tighter and be more patient. The Boston Marathon bombing claimed 3 lives and nearly 150 severally injured. The person responsible is still at large. April 15th also marked the anniversary of the assasination of A. Loncoln. His killer was an American confederate leader, Booth. In 1988, the Lockerbrie bombing killed 243 passengers (35 of which where Syracuse University students), 16 crew members and 11 on the ground. Two Lybian Nationalist were found responsible. McVeigh (US Army Special Forces) was an American terrorist who detonated a truck bomb in front of the Alfred P. Murrah Federal Building in Oklahoma City on April 19, 1995. Claiming 168 lives, including 19 children under the age of 6, and injured more than 680 people. In 2001, the 911 bombing claimed the lives of a total 3,000 people at the World Trade Center. Beltway sniper attacks in 2002 in Washington, DC., Maryland and Virginia killed over 25 people throughout the 2 month ordeal, where Muhammad (U.S. Army) and a minor Malvo were responsible. Cho, 23 year old college student claimed the lives of 32 people, including himself on the day of the Virginia Tech massacre in 2007. More recently, 2011 Norway experienced the most devesting crime they had ever seen, when Breivik (fellow Norwegian) opened fire in a camp killing 87, also setting a bomb to go off right before the shooting, infront of the Prime Minister Building killing 7 more people. In 2012 Lanza, an American 20 year old open fire at Sandy Hook Elementary School killing 27 mostly 1st grade children and committed suicide. What do all this killings have in common? HATE

The thing that stood out to me the most is the exact location where the bombs went off; by the long stretch of international flags. Hate crimes have no color. Death has become all too common and many times condoned. Yet controversial, crimes none the less, George W. Bush conducted two pre-emptive wars, resulting in excess of over 100,000 US., Iraqi and Afghani deaths. The countless senseless bombings that occur in the Middle East and genocides in Africa. The hours of violence exposure we allow our youth to be entertained by in movies and video games. The manner acceptable to treat and kill the live stock, we in turn feed to our children and self is un-worldly. We lose sense of our connection to each other and the earth the further we allow ourselves to see ourselves as anything but part of it. Death by murder is a crime to humanity. Life is magnificent. The world we live on provides everything and more than we may need to survive and thrive as a species. I urge all of us to not fall into fear thinking. Moreover, hate thinking towards muslims or any other person. Horrific crimes happen every minute, some fatal and many more lingering. It is our responsibility as a people to come together, not only in times of tragedy and be kind to one another (most especially to children and seniors). Stand up for what we love and stop promoting everything we hate. My deepest sentiments go out to all who are hurting.

Monday, April 15, 2013


Abraham Lincoln and Marthur Luther King were both assasinated in the month of April. Both Lincoln and King had just given empowering speeches encouraging the ability to see past the fear of opposition. Lincoln's speech on April 11th 1865 stated, "I abstain from reading the reports of attacks upon myself, wishing not to be provoked by that to which I can not properly offer an answer." He also touched on the idea of allowing African American's the right to vote. Lincoln expressed his support for black suffrage. On the same token, April 3rd 1968 MLK's speech stated, "And some began to say the threats, or talk about the threats that were out. But I'm not concerned about that now." His sentiment was simple, "For when people get caught up with that which is right and they are willing to sacrifice for it, there is no stopping point short of victory." Living in a society where we are encouraged to be spectators full of fear, rather than citizens whom acknowledge our power; I find myself questioning whether the edge of time will be by conquest or consent. It was clearly not always this way, from the references above. "We aspired to intelligence, we didn't belittle it or allow in to make us feel inferior." We certainly didn't scare so easy. We invented and created amazing works of art sensationally. We essentially are creation. An immediate remedy of empowerment and curiosity will save us from the state of limbo we exist: a conscious coma. I have mountain high hopes and rivers of faith because of all the magnetic metamorphic energy that also breeds. Two Indian Gods. Shiva is the destroyer, and destroys all of the old or useless so that new can be created. Kali is the Goddess of power and transformation. Kali is Shiva's shakti, without which Shiva could not act. Kali receives her name because she devours kala (Time) and then resumes her own dark void within which she finds potential and protects. Likewise, it is easy to become worrisome in times when the natural world and all her wondrous resources hurt. Moreover, children's tears are poisoned with falsities. Let's come together to raise a healthy and strong youth. As, our eliminated leaders once guided us, remain true to that which is worthwhile, love powerfully and concern yourself not with that which, the against you may say. Critics fuel success.

Wednesday, April 03, 2013

Cure InSanity

Do you remember when you lost your mind? The crucial point in your life, when everything you thought made sense, or maybe it did, no longer was suffice for you heart to believe. When the things that looked like fun when we where little, turned dangerous. It starts small, riding your bike with no handlebars. Then grows in the distance between the leaves that fall. My moment comes in with the most clearest recollection. At a friend's family party, music and alcohol filled my veins, within an instance, I went from observing the normal family dynamic to straight absorbing it into my blood stream. An uncontrollable sensation, I had never encountered took over my body. Calmly lead myself outside to a somewhat empty parking lot to release the waterfall of emotions the cascaded without sense. My friend's attempt to console me, drew me deeper into this moment, perception could not exist. It scared me and at the same time comforted the core of my mind; that had seemed to be holding this in from past lifetimes. As the black dissipated and veins agian filled with deep red blood, a restless peace covered my thoughts back to present. I haven't spoken of that moment ever, not sure why it made sense to share it now. I learned how far I could let go, how deep it resonated inside of my very soul to preserve the view from the corner of my eyes. Awake, I found myself embraced in my friend's arms. I hear there is no rest for the wicked, but for this short amount of time, there was and i grow nostalgic at how free it felt to learn my way back through a labyrinth state. My strength is immeasurable when, I keep in clear focus how crucial it is for my soul to truly connect, from bonds a love patiently, open-mindedly and givingly blows weightlessly.

Tuesday, April 02, 2013

Ban on Psychopathic Drugs

“It's easier to fool people than to convince them that they have been fooled.”- Mark Twain I am all for banning automatic weapons. There is no reason to have those, quite frankly if the owner of a weapon needs more than a shot or two to stop the person endangering their or their families safety, they shouldn't own one. However, it is the 2th Amendment to have the right to bear arms and that was determined by our forefathers for a reason, regardless of the changing times. My question is where is the tough restrictions on psychopathic drugs?? Moreover, where is the ban on psychopathic drugs?? Psychopathic literally means a disease of the mind. A Personality disorder that has been variously characterized by shallow (including reduced fear, a lack of empathy, and stress tolerance), coldheartedness, egocentricity, superficial charm, manipulativeness, irresponsibility, impulsivity, criminality, antisocial behavior, a lack of remorse, and a parasitic lifestyle. Now unfortunately, this criteria fits the description of several people I personally know. Regardless whether the DSM or ICD determines, psychopathic drugs are the solution, its grand overall affect sways the opposite way. Psychopathic and sociopathic are used interchangeably. The term sociopathy is preferred by those that see the causes as due to social and early environment factors. This is where the moral judgement comes into play: an absence or indifference towards, or disregard for moral beliefs. As Farrington found studying a sample of males in London from the ages of 8 to 48 the strongest factors were "having a convicted father or mother, physical neglect of the boy, low involvement of the father with the boy, low family income, and coming from a disrupted family." Other significant findings included poor supervision, harsh discipline, young mother, depressed mother, low social class, and poor housing. From personal experience, during my time being a counselor at a short term residence for at-risk adolescents, the reason for their loss of direction (for lack of better words) could be traced straight to the parent or guardian's bad parenting. Which leads to a more crucial question, What is it going to take for society to stop looking for the quick fix and want a remedy that will last for generations as oppose to a duration? 2.5 million people are on prescription drugs to treat a psychological disorder in the United States. 100 percent increase in the number of children under the age of 10 are taking anti psychotic medications. This has surpassed the possibility of being a solution and has become the very problem. I urge parents to take a hard look at themselves and ask whether, they are doing everything humanly possible to promote a stable, trusting and conscientious living environment before allowing this to be the answer. Aside, from the unprecedented and vague side effects, theses drugs have on a child's mind. On a purely health perspective, I question the long term effects these harsh medications are having on there small developing bodies (liver in particular). To make a mistake is human and a big part of being a parent. However, to consciously continue making the same mistake is criminal. Money is no more evil than a shovel, for it is the hand it is placed in that determines its path. Likewise, guns and medication have proved to help and/or hurt a situation. Creation versus Destruction: will destruction ultimately be greater than creation?

Friday, March 29, 2013

Pro life/ Pro choice

This line has been drawn deep, where life itself hangs in the balance. Although, i consider myself pro-choice that doesn't mean i don't agree with many points pro-life thinkers plea. Life is incredible. To give it, nuture it and raise it is beyond any other thing the human body is capable of doing. A pregnant woman is pure beauty. A life grows inside to pure perfection, even when the host puts strain on the body, a baby finds a way of resembling a miracle effortlessly. The magnificant process humbles and instantly creates joyful tears to form. A female's body is able to uniquely endure immense amounts of pain during child birth. The entire journey is incredible. The decision to terminate a life essentially is sad and deeply hurtful to a person's soul. Just like, in child birth a man's conscious sentiments are easier to disregard because it is not them who break away from the life growing inside of them. The act is objectified. However, there are men that although do not endure the physical aspect of it, emotional feel it just the same. The point i hope to make is that regardless, whether we agree or not, we are evolved creatures whom have the capacity to understand. Whether pro-choice or pro-life/ woman or man, we need to care about the lost of life. Feel the exsistence of humanity, because ultimately it a bitter occurance from which ever angle it is perceived. Abortion is not birth control and should never be used as such. Furthermore, judgement of the act is no one's to place. When that point can be reached on both sides of the table, Sex Education (contraceptions) will make a clear agruement, something we can come together and all agree on. Sex Education Saves lives! "Now is the time to unite the soul and the world" -Ulantia

Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Try new things.

I often hear parents tell there children to, "Try new things."New vegetables, activities and/or behavior are encouraged in hopes to open their pallet and interest. An active parent goes further and actually conquers getting the child to at least attempt it. Somewhere along the line, this ability to be and maintain being incorrigible is adopted within ourselves. Likewise, I recently learned children laugh some 385 more times a day than an adult (out of 400 times a day on average). Adults learn that to not to fully enjoy their life is acceptable. What an awfully hard lesson to unlearn! This skeptic way of viewing the world no doubt has its advantages. Remaining in a state of causation perhaps prevents being taken advantage. However, I always liked the saying, "A liar's curse isn't that no one believes them. Rather, it is that they don't believe in anything." From experience, I have found individuals with this rigid state of mind are sad and in constant frustration. The slightest deviation from the norm is met with high anxiety.
I search for a way to fill in the gaps by elevating minds to recreate; years of mis-education. Conservatives and religious fanatics alike, have the ability to reconsider their position. As in the case of Rob Portman who recently retracted his stand on same sex marriage, now that one of his son's admitted being gay. Portman states, "At the time, my position ... was rooted in my faith tradition," he wrote in Friday's Columbus Dispatch. "Knowing that my son is gay prompted me to consider the issue from another perspective: that of a dad who wants all three of his kids to lead happy, meaningful lives with the people they love ... and my belief that we are all children of God." Aside from the love and admiration for his son motivating the senator to reflect and change. As an individual, I have a hunch, Portman takes the time to laugh and enjoy his life. Change comes from the ability to look forward and stop looking back.

Monday, March 18, 2013

Read an article this morning that challanged the way i was looking at the inaugriation of a new pope. "Why Everyone Should Care About The Pope"By Jack Jenkins

My sentiments about religion have held steady for as long as i can remember. Innately, i understood the distinct difference between faith and religion. I consider myself a human being full of faith. Faith in anything is possible, good always prevails over evil and inner peace thrives. My quarls with religion are simple, they seperate rather than unite people, judge too much and promote archaic ideals. Examples: not treating women and homo-sextuality with equality, defying something as innovative as contraceptions and encouraging the doing of good in order to reach a place of glory after we pass ( goodness should come naturally without the motivation of self gain.)  I adopted the saying, "My God is spelled Nature." Belief in something greater is healthy and humbling. At no expense of another person's beliefs is euphoric.
This article coaxed me to look at the Catholic Church, Vadican in perticular through different eyes. The message is conctete,
"Sometimes opposition can be a stronger motivator than obidience." Although, we may disagree on topics, knowledge is abundant when we can listen to each other without getting offended. Religion is a touchy subject and i for one will continue to have hope understanding can mend any differences.

By Anny Ariz

Thursday, March 07, 2013

I can't even explain what it does to me to see you smile. To breath you in a while, understand how involved it feels to touch you. Building up an anticipation that could literally melt the fear away. Skin so silky smooth complete with tender love and burst of bubbles too. Everyone is scared of their own darkness. Mine propels me to understand the misunderstood. Sax melodies instill the belief this world has left a little room for dreamers with gentle demeanors. Can we concur our own demons in time to make life worth while? I want to find the way out of lap-less clouds that drown the hours in misguided powers. Corky towers to stand on, lift away the shame of a bastard son, sow into the skin my own green flowers. Let go of fear at all cost!