Monday, November 13, 2006

Brad Pitt with all his recent private trials and tribulations still got it. BABEL! Is an amazing film which puts things, life and priorities into perpective. Alejandro Gonzalez has captured the human condition delicatley and entirly.
This left me in a profound connections with my thoughts, judgements and ideas of the world that surrounds my daily life aswell as the world that does not directly affect me, but so divides me. Everyone should see this film, an experience not to be missed.
Never Delete my Words
When looking from outer space, it reminds me how small I am in the scheme of things. Amazing it is to feel the surrounding energies.
So fixed on today's tasks have left my goals sore.
Work makes me lazy. A frazzled mind needs a drink to unwind.
Trying to gain my sanity is blasphemy. Look at me in the Eyes and Never Delete my Words. Their sadness can remind even the most lost to find someway back.
Your Temporary happiness has made your Fantasies Permanent.
Constructing movement in order to create a reaction is a dangerous way to live. Consistently, feeding off the pureness of others, provoking.
Soaked in debt to fears of regret. Bet everything on one hand. Stand back against your own false insecurities. All you have left is fear. Immense amounts of fear. Peer through the blind. The kind of pine whose aroma last for hours.
A lost of power, regaining the composure to move forward. Naked disguises. Stretch besides it. War could get ugly. Let us fight together for the same plane. The nature is subside itself. Religion has been crucified. Hold on to faith. It soon faces its most reckless race. Beached the lack of water dries the sand.
Put your ear against the book and feel its pages. Surrender to its moral. The coral now sighs relief as it senses its departure from the fate you thought you could create for it.

Thursday, November 02, 2006

"Smile like you mean it" I do Brandon Flowers!

Thursday and a bit rainy, I had a great Halloween as Poison Ivy. So, much fun and it really was enhanced by the company I shared.

Dark chocolate, smooth and silky, foam on top sprinkled with cinnamon.

Let me shut up and share a photo I took at Harrington.

Thursday, October 05, 2006

I never really Write towards the middle of the day, but a nice breeze flew in so I thought why not. I often wonder who it is I am writing to, I suppose to myself and anyone who will listen. I feel incredibly agile today. For the last couple of weeks it seems my thoughts would never find a cozy spot to settle in. Scattered , all over. Today, things have their color back. The majic only seen when you stop looking for them. I have recently learn two things I thought I knew. The first is the old homage "patience is a virtue". The second is"silence is golden". So, many times I have found myself biting my tongue or wishing I just would of waited a couple of hours, days a moment to respond. Gratefull for the music playing through my ears. I want to share a great big hug with anyone who might need one. I had forgotten how sweet blueberry pancake's taste, BLUEBERRY PANCAKE'S for peet sake. I'm glad to be back, although I never really left. Just drifted, that wind out there is a strong one. So, for my self first and anyone listening. Allow your smile to take you around the world and never ever forget to thank yourself first, yourself first for without you none of this could be as special as it really is. Oh, and don't forget to share!!!

Wednesday, September 27, 2006

Last night, I watch the most hysterical insane movie. I heart huckabees, what a trip through the pychy. You will laugh your ass off all while trying to keep up with the immense amount of relative information it overwhelms your brain to ponder. A sweet lick of creammy ice-cream. Thank you Luis! This was just what the Doctor ordered.

Friday, September 22, 2006

When looking from outer space, it reminds me how small I am in the scheme of things.

Amazing it is to feel the surrounding energies. So fixed on today's tasks have left my goals sore. Work makes me lazy. A frazzled mind needs a drink to unwind.

Trying to gain my sanity is blasphemy. Look at me in the Eyes and Never Delete my Words. Their sadnees can remind even the most lost to find someway back.

Your Temporary happiness has made your Fantasies Permenant. Constructing movement in order to create a reaction is a dangerous way to live. Consistantly, feeding off the purness of others, provoking.

Soaked in debt to fears of regret . Bet everything on one hand. Stand back againts your own false insecturties. All you have left is fear. Immense amounts of fear. Peer through the blind. The kind of pine whose aroma last for hours.

A lost of power, regaining the compusure to move forward. Naked disguses. Stretch besides it.

War could get ugly. Let us fight together for the same plane. The nature is subside itself. Religion has been crucified. Hold on to faith. It soon faces its most reckless race. Beached the lack of water dries the sand.

Put your ear against the book and feel its pages. Surrender to its moral. The coral now sighes relief as it senses its departure from the fate you thought you could create for it.

Thursday, September 21, 2006

"Renaissance" A film by: Christian Volckman

Went to the sceening of this film last night, best film I've experienced all year. The moral, story line and picture was breathtaking. What a refreshing vision. A must see for anyone conscious.

Monday, September 11, 2006

Fall is in the air, the crisp feel is a reminder of the days past. On today more than ever we our encouraged to appreciate, hold our loved ones a bit tighter and live out dreams without sleeping. A great sense of belonging to myself and my evironment enthralls me till no end. I wish I could take the line over the shearwater. Good friends can rest on, for so long the bonds made. Raiding my recipe book for a good concoction. I take out the cinnimon, vanilla and molasses. Flour in my hair gives my cheek bones a glow. His little hands accompany mine in the mixing. Leaves begin to change in attire and apple pie cider has never tasted so sweet. This is a time for change, rebirth, and refocus. Take notice of how the new year ahead will bloom. Roll down a hill, lie flat at the bottom. Worries aside, their is no need for them here with or with out solutions. The green lush will soon be gone and waited upon. Strong limbs can only fly if they see no other way. Warm senitments is where I surround myself. Never thinking for once that time could capture the ground I could never bring myself to frown on.

Wednesday, September 06, 2006

Why is it that although so many heedings, to stay clear from the fog? I choose to drive right through it. Today's winds push me to think objectivly. Lieing on top of you, I write till no end. I catch my breath and remind myself of the pleasures in being patient. Songs I hear I want to share with you. To be misunderstood has never been so clear before. Constant whining needs to surcease. Time is winding, need to move across an ocean to learn more positions. A coral of life that hides from the sun whom fights to take its color. A small town with loud sounds, with heart enough to fill the sky. Train rides that will take me to the end of the rainbow where I could cool off by dancing in the rain. Wrinkles only exsist in my moans. Tones of the remaining sand make me blush. Playing with it through my fingers, the sea washes it away. Staying awake, while dreaming my needs brings me to the place I see I will be.

Wednesday, August 30, 2006


"The real distinction is between those who adapt their purposes to reality and those who seek to mold reality in the light of their purposes"
Henry Kissinger

Can you hear?

The sky tells secretes only the free could hear...

This is the intro to a book I recently was inspired to write...

In a world of fast talk, too many rules and far too many looks. It has become apparent just how hard it is to find let alone hold on to love. People fall asleep while being wide awake and then close their eyes in the precise moment they feel alive. It seems like no matter how hard you may think you know what you are doing, life stops to remind you the control lies on the very thing you can't put your finger on.This a story of a modern love! A love that ends before it has even begun. Not really meant to be understood. Instead, it plays by its own tune. Making you swoon and awe, never allowing you to catch your breath, stopping to caress your cheek just when you want nothing to do with it. The poison before the pearls. It waits patiently for a slip, a bite of your lip. The exact moment to cause the beat to pulsate impatiently. This journey like so many was never meant to be, not fitting anywhere and at the same time what is on the mind in everyway. Letting it in is costly, however, you realize that since its arrival you were open to lose, a bargain that storms in and carries with it up into the sky swirls of everthing you thought you were sure of.......

Tuesday, August 29, 2006

Higher Higher I glide threw the whislte on the rise. Rain has me feeling sweaty, come inside.
How has the Buddha spoken to you today? It whispers secrets to keep from the ones who seek in discrete. Bound by the lounge calling my name, unraveled behind the melody. I want to bleed my ideas onto the blind, the warmth will be felt. Drink from it before it loses its thickness. Living too fast paced, need to pause, drinking water clearly regenerate the joints to groove. Roaming the streets in search for an interesting creatures. Notice details. Dead or alive the reasoning searches beyond that. My simplicity is taken for granted. The weak eyes gleam at the sight of a shiney stone. All I see is the pair of a child's hungry hands digging relentless through the creek insearch of at best the week ahead's meal. The faint spirit is leaking. How do I mantian a blank page for us to recite a movement towards. Separate from the fake. Time is due for some exploring. A journey filled in a loud silence that allows my mind to bond. A garden to smell the sweet scent of colors and touch new sensation. Vibration trembles with anticipation.

Thursday, August 03, 2006

First draft was taken lightly, unrelated. Feeling the subtle snare. Reread, by the fourth developed a strong sense the writing pointed towards a precise direction. Section after section. Will not dispute the account for they are lucid and pure. Words meant to penetrate. Combine the energy to create, possible slate to debate, egnite brainwaves to feel sane, widen the horizon with.Share your intriciies. UR Pretending had created quite a large knot in my intestines, timing ill. Drained blood, initiated new cells. Rejuvinated. The fall of leaves have brought new perplexities. Work must be done under placid levels of relations. Romantic involvement will distract the aim. So, much to completely devour. Indebted u saw what was rebuffed. Union meant to be, recite the profoundness that lies within our vines. Distracting the proof. A big hooded sweater keeps me calm. The speech you lack will hold you back. Project, redirect the focus notice the vibes collide. Allow the air to fill the pair clean. Allow the gleam to procreate, stop the rate process. Listening is far more powerful than u give it credit for. Save restraint for compulsive behavior. Caution, so caution will view life on a transit bus ride. Fast, blurry full of worry. Alas laxed, clear is the road I tend to. Prone to weakness of the body. Uncommitted is less thorny. Should of listened. Can't live that way. Things are happening, ambition on a pedestal. Was willing to pause my motion, gratefully was slapped some sense still see fairytales are not saved solely for film. Concentrated on giving that love to the only chromosome that reserves it, my sun. Being in Love....still awaits.

Tuesday, August 01, 2006

Neurons tremble nervously, more than my skin is revealed through the dim reflection of light the street lamp outside curiously slivers in. My posture is tense, rents due. Too much on the mind, keeping an easy pace will keep my feet from sinking. Gliding through each obstical, dodging provokers.

The earth is sobbing, holding its roots in place for saken. Debating whether tomorrow should bring in reins of hell and fiery. Display a Spectacle for all to heed. Lift the stars of a falling sky. Glaciers liquefy reluctantly. The poorest countries most vulnerable creates a facade, a veil to cover what will come. What will it take to make us see? As much as it takes to care without stipulation. Caring isn't stylish. Fuck all who Fetish. Stress less is the American way create every possible gadget to carry out meaningless tasks. The ground develops a rash from all the human trash continuing to breed. Politicians so cleverly ask all the wrong question , "Could you please elaborate, I can't understand..." while the earth obliberates, dissolving through my son's hands. My eyes cry tears of blood, angry at all who have become acclimated to Atrocities committed daily to a mother whose nature pleads for her seeds.

How do I manipulate them all, to have a weakness for the beauty I see in that lonely tree with no leaves? Bare, unable to conceal the pain it desperatly waits to heal. Kneel down and fancy me once again. Climb my arms and see for yourself how wonderful the veiw of blue waters and purple skies hide behind its sighs. Smile at me if only with your eyes. Take a moment to linger and change the course. I plead unafraid playing my spades.

Monday, July 24, 2006

You should of dressed me in white, put flowers in my hair.
Tears lack their attachment to our good-bye.
Lavander seeks out to numb my brain.
From the repitition of you elaborate stories.
Please, not one more excuse.

I feel used, bruise confused by the song played.
The house is due for some grooming,
My eyes our drooping.
Grow a backbone your insecurities are revolting.
Try coping for a change, stop calling my name.

Please, leave I have nothing left for you here.
Can't I move on without feeling ashamed.
Behind all the clouds lies a clear true refrain.
Waiting to be Appreciated, without being Enibreated.

Drink from your own casket, I plan to be thrown into the ocean. eternally sharing my wealth. Stealthfully recognize this no longer ponders a sweeter somber together. The Leather stintch, is nausiating. Dress in your own flesh for a change, dead ones don't suit you. Pursuing the day when looking away comes easy. Needy, sucking my river bank dry. Resting on everything I now sow, repair for my own clarity. No longer clinging to what went before.

Friday, July 21, 2006

Silvery swirls dance through the sky without hast, no place to really sink its seat into. They tell with a series where they have been and plan to go. The darkness intrigues to look deeper. Small drops falls, landing on my tongue as words pour out. The rain's subtle sweetness balances out the salty air. Closing eyes helps one appreciate the melody it plays on every surface it engulfs. Lofts of high hopes with out dope. Corner stone of my own resistance towards leaving. Steps move forth gracefully proving I can dance in a puddle. The coolness runs through my toes. Oh, Oh, Can you take my hand?
Rally up my doubts, put them in that pocket over there. No, need to stare. Ask your question, place direction of where you intend to go. Low n' High, pry me open. Widen this horizon by placing your finger on the zoom button. Rooms are empty, a century of dust. This rain will create rust if I stop the wheels from spinning. Grinning a wicked smile, reels in the bate. A clean slate is so hard to encounter, no wanderer has ever come across a night clear of tides.
As the pitter patter begins to mutter, hunger fills my belly. Steady barely ready I open them once again to find the gray has moved on. Skys sit still with white as snow cottonballs. Rubbing them with a smile. The sun kisses me lightly,oh so gentle and waves good-bye....